Sunday, March 17, 2013


Invisalign takes a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you simply wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements your dentist or orthodontist plans out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten. Your simply pop in a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks, until your treatment is complete and you archive the confident smile that you've always wanted. The best part about the whole process is that most people won't even know you're straightening your teeth. 

Result Example

This 29-year-old female patient had always felt unhappy with her teeth. Her upper front teeth were overlapping and her lower front teeth were crowded, which made cleaning difficult and could potentially lead to problems with dental decay and gum disease. She had a good and stable bite, only treatment for the front teeth was therefore required. Her Invisalign treatment lasted just over 9 months.
In her late thirties, the space between this 49-year-old female patient’s front teeth had widened so much that a third front tooth could have fitted within the space. She previously tried metal braces which didn’t fit into her lifestyle and had these removed. Within just a few months, she could really see the difference. She was treated with Invisalign over the course of 17 months.
Cross bite
This male patient felt very self conscious of a prominent canine on the lower set of teeth, as it protruded outward and caused cross bite problems with his upper tooth when eating. He wanted to improve the overall general aesthetics of his smile, but also to stop his lip getting caught on the neighbouring tooth and to improve issues with chewing. His Invisalign treatment lasted approximately 12 months.
Deep bite
This 15-year-old female patient had a deep bite (where the upper front teeth cover the lower teeth too much), her upper left lateral tooth stuck out and her lower teeth were crowded. As this made it difficult for her to clean her teeth properly, her dental practitioner advised her that these issues may lead to gum disease. She was successfully treated with Invisalign in approximately 10 months.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Hubungi kami terus jika anda mempunyai masalah gigi..
kami sedia membantu anda.. :)

kami disini...


Monday, March 11, 2013

PROSEDUR "CROWN" - our patient

baru-baru ini, pesakit wanita lingkungan awal 30-an ini telah datang ke KLINIK PERGIGIAN PEARL dan meminta "consultation" berkaitan "BRACES@ikat gigi" & "Crowning" tentang masalah gigi depannya yang kecil2 & jarang. Setelah berbincang & berfikir, pesakit ini telah bersetuju untuk melakukan crown 4 batang sahaja. nak tahu mengapa pesakit ini memilih untuk membuat crown??? ini adalah kerana, tempoh masa untuk crown siap, adalah lebih kurang 1 minggu sahaja. berbanding dengan rawatan braces, ia mengambil masa lebih kurang 2-4tahun untuk siap. jom tengok apa hasilnya...
gigi pesakit semasa pertama kali datang ke klinik.... ini sebelum rawatan crown taw....
sewaktu rawatan untuk mengecilkan gigi sedang dijalankan..... 
ini adalah selepas gigi asal tadi dikecilkan.. jangan risau, pesakit tidak akan merasa sakit+sensetive langsung pada bahagian yang buat crown, sebab pesakit telah diberikan ubat kebas terlebih dahulu....
setelah selesai kecil+bentukkan gigi, tibalah masanya untuk mengambil acuan supaya 'tech' senang untuk membentuk gigi baru pesakit.. 
ini untuk mengambil gigitan pesakit....jangan risau, nie bukan "pistol painball". x rase ape2 pun...
ok,  sekarang masa untuk buat crown sementara pulak.... xkan la kita nak biarkan pesakit keluar dengan gigi yang kecil2 td...kesian pesakit...  
ok, dh siap pun crown sementara pesakit...cantikkan... 
 inila kesudahan untuk rawatan pertama crown. setelah hampir 2 jam, pesakit+doktor kepenatan.... tp xpe, asalkan pesakit kami "happy" dengan gigi baru beliau, walaupun hanya untuk 1 minggu. sekarang kita tunggu lab hantar ok...
Selepas 1 minggu, patient perlu datang ke klinik untuk mendapatkan crown yang telah siap dibuat oleh lab..
 doktor cuba mengeluarkan+membersihkan kawasan gigi yang telah dikecilkan supaya crown masuk dengan cantik....
 ok, dah siap sarung ke-4 empat crown tadi... nampak cantikkan..
patient amat berpuas hati dengan crown yang telah siap ni..